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 Eliminate acne once and for all with these simple tips

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Eliminate acne once and for all with these simple tips  Empty
PostSubject: Eliminate acne once and for all with these simple tips    Eliminate acne once and for all with these simple tips  Icon_minitimeTue 30 Oct 2012, 17:42

Eliminate acne once and for all with these simple tips

(NaturalNews) Not only bothersome, acne can also indicate toxicity.
Encourage radiant skin and cleanse the body by making easy adjustments
to the diet and utilizing natural remedies. Exotic or expensive
ingredients are unnecessary -- a solution may be no further than the
kitchen pantry.

We are what we eat

It should come as no
surprise that diet is intricately linked with the health of the skin;
whether acne, premature wrinkles or general clarity. A spectrum of
colorful fruits and vegetables are key, especially leafy greens which
help to detoxify the liver. A whole food diet is a must. Essential fatty
acids found in flax, borage, hemp and fish oils support luminous,
healthy skin as well. Nix dairy forever along with red meat, both of
which encourage inflammation -- one of the many causes of skin
eruptions. The same for refined sugar. If you need something sweet,
xylitol or stevia are good substitutes. Choose organic, always. This
will reduce the toxic load and bump up nutritional content. Vitamins A
and E, magnesium, calcium and zinc are vital for glowing skin -- make
sure you are getting enough. We have all heard it time and time again,
drink more water. Better yet, add the juice of half a lemon to water and
drink first thing in the morning. This will assist the liver in
flushing out toxins which have accumulated during the night. Apple cider
vinegar is also an excellent detoxifier and specifically clears acne.
Dilute two to three tablespoons of unpasteurized, organic apple
cider vinegar in one liter of water and sip throughout the day. People
have reported near miraculous results with this simple cocktail.

Topical solutions

Along with a clean diet, a few external remedies are helpful in clearing the skin quickly.

Oat flour - Exfoliates and calms while minimizing pores. Mix with a small amount of water to form a spreadable paste. Massage onto damp skin and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse well and moisturize.

Honey - Hydrates
and calms. Also has antibacterial properties that minimize breakouts.
Rub a small amount over moist skin and let sit for 20 minutes. Rinse.

Lemon -
Rich in alpha hydroxy acids that trigger cellular regeneration and
exfoliation. It accelerates blemish healing and lightens uneven skin
tone. As an added bonus, lemon juice reduces wrinkles too. After
cleansing, rub half a lemon over entire face (avoiding the eyes) twice
per week. Do not rinse.

Apple cider vinegar - Inhibits
inflammation and bacterial growth. Lightens skin tone and speeds
healing. Dilute one tablespoon unpasteurized, organic apple cider
vinegar with one cup of water. Apply toner with cotton ball. Wait 10
minutes then rinse with lukewarm water. Moisturize with appropriate
cream or oil.

Yogurt - Soothes and clarifies. Gently spread a thin layer over entire face. Do not disturb for 10 minutes. Rinse well with warm water.

To simplify your daily routine, a cleanser can be made with all four ingredients. Combine the following:

4 tablespoons of oat flour
1 tablespoon of honey
2 tablespoons of yogurt
1 tablespoon each of lemon juice and apple cider vinegar

well. Massage onto damp skin. For the most effective cleansing, apply
before a steamy shower. Allow to sit for 20 minutes. Rinse well.

A glowing complexion is just a few effortless steps away. By following these suggestions, never fret about blemished skin again.

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