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 Porton Down's Legacy of Death: Inquest to take place shortly concerning death of scientist

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Porton Down's Legacy of Death: Inquest to take place shortly concerning death of scientist Empty
PostSubject: Porton Down's Legacy of Death: Inquest to take place shortly concerning death of scientist   Porton Down's Legacy of Death: Inquest to take place shortly concerning death of scientist Icon_minitimeSun 19 May 2013, 15:03

Porton Down's Legacy of Death: Inquest to take place shortly concerning death of scientist

Porton Down's Legacy of Death: Inquest to take place shortly concerning death of scientist _426154_porton_down_300
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Janet Phelan
Activist Post

In April of 2012, Dr. Richard Holmes took a stroll in the woods in Wiltshire, England. His body was found two days later.

Holmes is one of several Porton Down scientists who have died under
questionable circumstances. The death in November 2001 of Vladimir
Pasechnik was ruled to be a stroke, although co-workers stated that
Pasechnik was in good health. Vladimir Pasechnik was a Russian defector
who first alerted the West to the extensive clandestine research into
biological warfare taking place within the Soviet Union.

His death was, oddly, belatedly announced by Dr. Christopher Davis of
Virginia. Davis was the member of British intelligence who debriefed Dr.
Pasechnik at the time of his defection. The announcement of Pasechnik's
death did not come in England until a month after he died.
Interestingly, Pasechnik was also debriefed by a Dr. David Kelly, head
of microbiology at Porton Down, which is England's top secret chemical,
biological and nuclear laboratory.

Dr. David Kelly, whose body was also found in the
woods, had been invited to take the position of chief microbiologist at
Porton Down in 1986. Later, he worked extensively with Dr. Wouter Basson
of South Africa's clandestine Project Coast. Basson was known to be
working on a “black's only” bioweapon. When South Africa's apartheid
government fell, Basson was subsequently charged with an assortment of
crimes, including murder. He skated on all the charges and is now a
successful cardiologist in Durbanville, South Africa.

Another scientist who collaborated with Kelly and Basson, Dr. Larry Ford
of Irvine, California died in 2001 of a shotgun blast that was ruled a
suicide. Police found guns, ammunition and explosives when they dug up
his yard. Cholera, botulinum, salmonella and typhoid were also located
in vials in his refrigerator. All told, 266 bottles and vials of lethal
toxins were found in the Ford home.

The CIA declined to comment on Ford's intelligence connections.

Dr. Kelly's death in 2004—in the same woods that were to later claim the
body of Dr. Richard Holmes—sent shock waves through the clandestine
scientific community. Kelly reportedly died after slashing his wrists
and consuming a cocktail of painkillers. His death was subsequently
ruled a suicide.

However, according to the mainstream publication the Daily Mail, thirteen respected doctors declared that it was medically impossible for Dr. Kelly to have died in this manner.

Andrew Gilligan, a reporter for BBC, claimed that Kelly had recently
given him and other reporters information that proved the government had
exaggerated the Iraqi danger in its "dossier" in order to justify the
war against Iraq. Kelly was also reported to be writing a “tell-all”

Daily Mail also reported that "at 8am, half an hour before Dr. Kelly's
body was discovered under the tree, three officers in dark suits from
MI5's Technical Assessment Unit were at his house. The computers and the
hard-disk containing the 40,000 words of the explosive book were
carried away. They have never been seen since."

In 2004, Kelly's replacement as the chief scientist for chemical and
biological defence at the Ministry of Defence's laboratory at Porton
Down, Dr. Paul Norman, died when the plane he was piloting crashed near

The Wiltshire coroner's office stated this week that Dr. Holmes'
coroner's inquest will take place shortly. Dr. Holmes had recently left
his employment at Porton Down before his fateful walk in the woods. It
is unclear why he resigned. Within a month after leaving Porton Down, he
was dead.

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