DEATH BY DOCTORS ...… THE SHOCKING FIGURESI haven’t been to a doctor for aeons because I prefer to be healed
than be made still sicker. My great mate, Mike Lambert, at the Shen
Clinic on the Isle of Wight, keeps me healthy and he is constantly
picking up the pieces after people have been damaged by ‘doctors’ and
Big Pharma medicine.
It is no mystery why, in the light of all the evidence, that the
number one killer in the United States is the treatment. Add together
all the doctor errors, drug-reaction fatalities, deadly infections
picked up in hospitals etc., and you find that doctors and treatment by
mainstream sources is the leading cause of death ahead of heart disease
and cancer. An investigation by the respected online
Consumer Reports said:
Infections, surgical mistakes, and other medical harm contributes
to the deaths of 180,000 hospital patients a year, according to
projections based on a 2010 report from the Department of Health and
Human Services. Another 1.4 million are seriously hurt by their hospital
care. And those figures apply only to Medicare patients. What happens
to other people is less clear because most hospital errors go unreported
and hospitals report on only a fraction of things that can go wrong ……
‘There is an epidemic of health-care harm,’ says Rosemary
Gibson, a patient-safety advocate and author. More than 2.25 million
Americans will probably die from medical harm in this decade, she says.
‘That’s like wiping out the entire populations of North Dakota, Rhode
Island, and Vermont. It’s a man-made disaster’…
‘Hospitals haven’t given safety the attention it deserves,’
says Peter Pronovost, M.D., senior vice president for patient safety and
quality at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore. Nor has the government,
he says. ‘Medical harm is probably one of the three leading causes of
death in the US, but the government doesn’t adequately track it as it
does deaths from automobiles, plane crashes, and cancer. It’s
appalling.’Governments don’t track it because they are controlled by the same
forces that own Big Pharma. So, a deep breath here: Deaths caused by
different aspects of the treatment are right up there as the leading
cause of death in America and yet
‘most hospital errors go unreported and hospitals report on only a fraction of things that can go wrong …’ Shit, what must the real figure be then?
Death by doctor must on that basis be way ahead of anything else
contributing to people departing this world. It will be the same in
other countries, too, because they are all dominated by ‘Western
medicine’ which is often nothing more than a fast-track to the cemetery.
But then it must be this way because pharmaceutical medicine is
treating a body that it does not understand (although those in the
shadows do and they are doing this on purpose).
Studies have also revealed that adverse drug reactions are
under-reported by as much as 85 to 94 per cent and let nobody kid
themselves that very many deaths caused by drugs and incompetence are
not given a fraudulent cause to cover up what happened. On one level the
body is an electrochemical organism and this can be devastated by
pharmaceutical drugs and radiation treatment.