Real purpose of Obamacare is to destroy private insurance, says retired colonel (NaturalNews) What if the actual intent of the Obama regime's massive healthcare overhaul had nothing to do with expanding coverage to more people and everything to do with intentionally crashing the private insurance market in order to replace it with a government-run, single-payer socialist system? This is what one retired Air Force colonel says was the real purpose of Obamacare all along, that is until its failure to launch as intended threw somewhat of a monkey wrench into the works.
Outlining each step of the journey towards socialist medicine as it was meant to take place, Col. Tom Snodgrass (Ret.) explains in a recent piece for
Right Side News how Obama had planned from the start to incrementally usher in a single-payer system by first implementing a failed Obamacare. The plan was to repeatedly tell people that they would be able to keep their existing plans, only to later pull the rug out from underneath them and blame the private insurance industry for the fallout.
According to Col. Snodgrass, Obama's famous lie that people would be able keep their doctors and health care plans "no matter what" was central to his overarching scheme of destroying the private insurance market. Written into the provisions of Obamacare were specific mandates and regulatory policies that the Obama regime knew would cost millions of people more money while providing less coverage, a tumultuous debacle through which a whole new medical paradigm could emerge.
"Obama's scheme envisioned governmental single-payer healthcare coming into being after the existing private healthcare insurance market was destroyed by a chaotic rollout of
Obamacare," writes Col. Snodgrass. "The mechanism that is a key aspect of the chaotic rollout currently destroying private healthcare insurance is federal regulatory power that causes the discontinuation of existing private policies by imposing new, high-priced, frivolous requirements (e.g., maternity coverage for young men and old women) that were not in existing plans."
Obamacare website failure thwarts attempts by regime to destroy private health insurance, at least for now
What Obama did not anticipate, claims Col. Snodgrass, was the failure of the Obamacare website to function at least somewhat properly upon launch. The original plan was to have millions of people "successfully" sign up for Obamacare, only to later realize that their plans had been cut and their premiums jacked up to sky-high levels. And at just the right time, this collective outrage would be redirected away from the Obama regime and towards the
private insurance industry, leading to its destruction -- but things did not work out as planned.
"The reason why Obama's scheme is currently unraveling is the failure of the Obamacare enrollment web site," adds Col. Snodgrass. "The Obamacare web site failure has had consequences that were totally unforeseen by
Obama because it has focused public attention on government incompetence, rather than on the 'greedy' private insurance companies and their money-grubbing cancellations of public's health policies as Obama planned."
Not surprisingly, the Obama regime is now in panic mode, as it desperately tries to cover up for its egregious misgivings against the American people. But the cat is already out of the bag, and public approval for both the regime and its healthcare nightmare is at an all-time low. At this point, the private insurance market is the last thing on people's minds, with all the attention now centered on this latest Obama regime scandal.
"The most far-reaching consequences of the web site failure and the unveiling of Obama's flagrant deceit is that the American people's confidence in Obama and the competence of government has been shaken to the point that it could derail Obama's planned next move to push for government-controlled, single-payer healthcare," concludes Col. Snodgrass.