Research indicates that organic milk has more health benefits than conventional milk(NaturalNews) A recent research has established that organic milk has more health benefits than conventional milk. This research, published in December 2013 by PLOSOne Journal. This research reveals some interesting facts that can change the health of many people for the better. Organic milk is obtained from cows that feed purely on organic foods. As a result, there are no artificial growth hormones that interfere with the naturalness of the milk. GMO feeds contribute to reducing the health benefits of milk. When a cow feeds on grass or is pastured the normal way, the milk becomes rich in nutrients needed for body nourishment.
Omega- 6 fat, found in conventional milk, is known to have damaging effects. On the other hand, Omega-3 fats, found in organic milk, are a better substitute as they are more beneficial to the body. The complications that one is exposed to by using the omega-6 fats include diabetes, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and cardiovascular diseases.
This research is a complete opposite of the long held belief that concerning the two components. Many people tend to use more omega-6 than omega-3 fats, oblivious of the dangers posed. This situation can simply be rectified by taking the opposite direction. This is achievable by generally avoiding vegetable table oil foods that are cooked at high temperatures. Using organic milk is another alternative for living a healthy lifestyle. The research further shows that conventional milk contains 62 per cent of omega-6 fats which is more than desirable.
Improving the omega-3 to omega-6 ratio
After this discovery the ultimate thing should be introducing compensatory measures that will stabilize this ratio. Interestingly, organic milk has been found to posses all the components of omega-3. These include linolenic acid at 60 percent, DHA with 19 percent, and eicosapentaenoic acid at 32 percent. Linoleic acid has also been proved to be an effective and fierce fighter of cancer. Increasing the dairy dietary consumption is therefore the most powerful tool that one can use in putting life on a healthy course.
It seems nature has a lot to offer to the human race. Take the case of a cow in that natural setting, peacefully feeding on the pasture. The visual effect of this brings along contentment of some kind. This doesn't stop here. The cow goes ahead to give
milk that is so necessary in helping humans overcome the health challenges paused by omega-6 elements. As a matter of fact, organic raw milk is highly recommended since it is fresh and unaltered.
Raw milk from cows fed on natural grass comes with beneficial bacteria that boost the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also loaded with iron, calcium, phosphorous and magnesium which are important minerals. There are also vitamins like A, B, C, K and E. Raw
organic milk also contains growth enhancers, digestive enzymes, and antibodies. It is also full of conjugated CLA that reduces and fights cancer infections.
This research is an eye opener to many people watching their
health. It is perhaps the beginning of a new journey that will change the lives of many. But this will be possible only if the recommendations of the research are put into application.