Just about everyone knows the words to the moving and patriotic “America the Beautiful,” which many think ought to be our national anthem, instead of the “Star Spangled Banner,” a difficult octave range to sing for many folks, including lyrics about warfare and bombs bursting in air. Using that familiar America the Beautiful melody, J Marvin Herndon, PhD, a chemtrail researcher, wrote amazingly poignant lyrics and called his song “America Once the Beautiful.” I call Herndon’s masterpiece the “chemtrail fight song.” Please enjoy it sung by the beautiful voice of Kate Magdalena Willens.
Dr Herndon’s exquisite words define what’s going on daily above our very heads polluting air, land, water, plants, animals and humans with toxic substances sprayed from specially-retrofitted planes that are laying down what’s commonly referred to as “chemtrails.” Those toxic ‘sky trails’ [5] are integral to weather geoengineering, global weather modification, solar radiation management [3] and probably responsible for, or contributing to, the four-year drought in California and the winters of 2014 and 2015 experiencing something never heard in meteorological terms: Polar Vortex! Should we include the coming El Niño [6] too?
Chemtrails, along with weather modification—also synonymous with military warfare—apparently are tied in with HAARP [1] and electromagnetic warfare. Incidentally, the U.S. Army intends to own the weather by 2025 [2].
I’m pleased to extend kudos to Dr Herndon for turning his research work [4] into an impressive “fight song,” which ought to become a classic for our times. Let’s all start singing it; asking radio and TV stations to play it; and send it as a musical tribute to our congressional delegations and state legislators. Maybe we can turn America once beautiful into America the beautiful again. I hope it’s not too late!