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 Nationwide Tree Decline

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PostSubject: Nationwide Tree Decline    Nationwide Tree Decline  Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jun 2012, 13:07

Nationwide Tree Decline

Nationwide Tree Decline

Notice the "white stuff" on the bark of
trees. It looks a lot like chalk or even paint, and has been showing
up on tree trunks over the last couple of years, climbing higher with
the passage of time. Are the trees attempting to eliminate compounds
that are building up in them? What are these deposits?

Click images to enlarge
Nationwide Tree Decline  Sacramento1Nationwide Tree Decline  Sacramento2
California redwoods at the State Capitol park in
Sacramento are ringed with white "tube socks" (click pictures to
enlarge). What is this material and why is there more of it on the
trees each year?

The "Tube Sock" effect on trees ... what is it?

Nationwide Tree Decline  Whitetrunk2_smAll over the country, trees are showing strange symptoms ...
"Tube socks": bark turning white from the ground up about 2 or 3 feet. Dead leaves and branches bending downward: Look
up into the tree, and you might see the leaves looking scorched and
brown well before winter ... interior growth is sparse. Black fungus is another report. What is causing this?
Rumors circulate about the usual "beetles" or undefined "fungus" --
conveniently vague, with the familiar "nothing to get worried about"
subtext or afternote.

In the case of the "tube socks," as the white material builds up, the
bark of the trees will come off in big chunks in your hand. Notice in
this picture that the white stuff also shows on the roots. One
researcher noticed that the white is most apparent on trees that are
watered or irrigated, and not present on trees that take in only
groundwater, although others say they see it in the forests also.

Allen Buckman, formerly a wildlife biologist with the California
Department of Fish & Game, has taught concerned citizens how to
identify dying trees. (See the DVD "Sky Lines" by Deborah Whitman.)
We are so used to taking trees for granted that we don't know much
about them, or even take the time to look carefully at them! Just
taking a walk in your neighborhood or even having a conversation with
friends or homeowners might open your eyes to what's happening to our

Deborah Whitman of Davis, California has founded a non-profit called
Environmental Voices, and is offering to help people test the health of
their local trees. So far, local bark samples from Northern
California show high residues of aluminum, barium and titanium, which
might well be the source of the white deposits we are seeing.

What is silicate? Dictionary definition: "Any of
numerous insoluble often complex metal salts that contain silicon and
oxygen in the anion, constitute the largest class of minerals, and are
used in building materials (as cement, bricks and glass)." Silica or
silicon dioxide (SiO2) is present in 25% of the earth's crust (think
sand). Silicates are created when silica binds with metallic salts
(oxides), also naturally occurring. However, of note is the fact that
metallic salts (e.g. aluminum oxide) are a major component of the
aerosols (a.k.a. "chemtrails") appearing everywhere in our sky. Could it be that these metallic silicates are overloading our trees and causing their health to rapidly decline?
Former California crop-loss analyst Rosalind Peterson comments: "Once
you have air pollution and add aluminum, it allows the tree roots to
uptake the aluminum, which then prevents the roots from absorbing water
and nutrients to survive. This leads to death which looks like

The Issue of SunlightNationwide Tree Decline  SuntrailsNot
a small matter! Sunlight is a natural disinfectant, as people
discovered in earlier centuries when glass windows were installed in
houses. Light prevents molds from forming and growing, and our general
health is better! (In fact, three of the biggest reasons overall
public health improved: running water, glass windows, and washable
cotton underwear that was changed on a regular basis. Medicine was not
key -- hygiene was.)

Lack of direct sun causes higher humidity and less light -- perfect
conditions for molds, mildew and fungus growth. Most important:
Direct sunlight is needed for photosynthesis by plants (to make
chlorophyll, their food), and filtered sunlight just doesn't do the
trick. Translation: Plants cannot nourish themselves properly when man-made clouds cover the sky.
In Mendocino County (Northern California), from December 16, 2006 to
May 30, 2007, there were only three full days of direct sunlight. Wild
grasses did not grow more than a couple of inches, despite normal

Nationwide Tree Decline  Delmarca
A beautiful summer day in Del Mar, California with artificial "cirrus" clouds

The Death of Trees ...Nationwide Tree Decline  Stump2a
Throughout suburban neighborhoods these
days, trees are being reduced to what you see pictured on the right --
stumps. Homeowners are spending thousands for tree removal, not
knowing why their trees are dying.

Arborists tell us the problem is bugs and blight. But why such a
rise in infestation by bugs and blight? Weakened trees with sparse
foliage and bowed branches are now visible in many backyards.
Because sick or dying trees are more apt to collapse and are therefore
considered to be hazards, they are usually cut down or destroyed.

What will our world look like with fewer and fewer trees?

More bark photos (click to enlarge):
Nationwide Tree Decline  Whitebark_2Nationwide Tree Decline  Whitebark3 Nationwide Tree Decline  Whitebark_close1
Allen Buckman points out that fungi and beetles often
seek weak or damaged wood, so blaming tree decline on these causes is
not conclusive. Writes Rosalind Peterson (whose new website is
"The dead and dying trees, dead branches, impacted shrubs and bushes
are turning some of our forests into torches when touched by fire. Why
are our public officials ignoring this problem ... not taking tree ring
and soil samples to find out why our trees are stressed and dying?
What has caused this ecological imbalance? So far the typical response
is "drought and bugs," but many areas where trees are in decline have
had normal rainfall. Healthy trees resist pathogens and bugs. Many
state and federal government officials will talk about decline off the
record, but are afraid to speak out because they fear the loss of their
jobs. Why?"

From Charles Little's book, The Dying of Trees: "Aluminum is a
common constituent of forest soils, but it is 'locked up' in aluminum
silicates, and in this compound form is [no danger to] trees and other
plants." With acid rains, however, the silicates are broken down and
the aluminum is freed. "The metal kills the roots first. This means
that trees can no longer absorb and transport needed nutrients ... are
weakened and can be invaded by insects or pathogens, or succumb to
extremes of weather ... in which case they die."

Charles Little attributes the dangers of aluminum to the metal being
unleashed from its silicate form by acid rain. Perhaps more research
must be done to see whether aluminum overload -- even in silicate form
-- endangers trees, or whether factors besides rain alone cause metals
to unbind and weaken the health of the trees.

Test results from the tree shown above ...Nationwide Tree Decline  Whitebark_close3
Bark taken from the tree (see third photo above) was tested for aluminum, barium, strontium and titanium.
While the EPA does not provide information on what constitutes "safe"
or tolerable levels of these elements in the wood of trees, the testing
came out positive for all four substances. Aluminum was highest (387
mg/kg), and this tree in Solana Beach, California by far outstripped
similarly tested trees in Davis and Nevada City. A tree in Lake Tahoe
(CA) beat this one, at 435 mg/kg.

Results: Aluminum 387 mg/kg, Barium 18.4 mg/kg, Strontium 113 mg/kg, Titanium 15.2 mg/kg. Bark sample was taken in September 2009.

Spiderwebs, Transparency and Fungus

Nationwide Tree Decline  Webbing_socal_smAnother indication of decline is "spiderwebs"
(see photo on right, click to enlarge). These are actually formed by
spider mites -- tiny web-spinners from the arachnid family -- and a
single tree may have hundreds of webby clusters on its leaves
or needles. The point to be made is that plants and trees attract
insects, fungus, bacteria and even viruses when their health turns and
they begin to sicken or die. Nature hastens the downward spiral by
providing decomposition "helpers," so that a life form on its way out
can be quickly converted into nutritive material for the earth. As
trees decline or die, they form symbiotic relationships with organisms
that feed on them and hasten their breakdown.
Take a drive around. Or better yet, walk ... you'll have more time to
look. The word "transparency" is being used in reference to trees. In
the old days, trees provided privacy -- they were thick, lush, green
and cooling. Today you can literally see through them, so stark and
bare have they become. They are also laden with fungus, both green and
black, especially visible after a rain. Notice the brown "frost" on
the tips of needles or leaves. Forests used to be green; today they
have a noticeably brown hue. And this is not from drought or "climate change."

Nationwide Tree Decline  0210cardiff_sm

"Transparency" of trees occurs when
gaps occur in their foliage or needles.
Rain brings out what looks like a
bright green fungus on sycamores
(see at right). Click to enlarge

Nationwide Tree Decline  Sycamores_sm
Geoengineering ... is already part of our lives. Its end goal may be difficult for most of us to grasp. Why would they do that?
Letting nature go by the wayside to come in with "fixes" and life
forms that are technological from their very engineered origins and,
most important, will respond to technological control. Why, you
ask? Because there will be no variables. Nature is full of
unpleasant variables. Some people don't think that's the way it should
be "because of God." Some people evidently believe we should take
over and run nature ourselves. Contemplate the realities and
possibilities. Read Michael Murphy's observations from his March 2010 trip to Shasta County in northern California, where aerosol spraying occurs almost every day ...

Nationwide Tree Decline  Encinitas0909_1cmpThe natural world is literally gasping for breath around us.
Are we too busy and disconnected to notice? Peer up into a pine tree
tomorrow. How much green do you really see? Once you begin looking,
it's scary. What will we do without trees, as they are cut down or die
around us? Read Rosalind Peterson's article on tree decline here.

Want more? See a full catalog of tree decline witnessed on the East Coast here.

To find out how to test your own bark samples, contact
Environmental Voices at (530) 792-7054 or email "environmental voices
at" Note that the lab requires a fee for testing.

Genetically Engineered Trees to Replace Real Trees?

Don't think it couldn't happen. It's happening now. This video,
titled "A Silent Forest," explores the world of genetic tinkering with
trees so that the paper industry has an easier time making pulp, for
example. Could it be that tree death is a deliberate strategy so that
new forms of "better" trees can be introduced instead? GM trees will
be non-reproductive, and can be "replaced" anytime. Forests will be
like cities -- all laid out and planned. Because the trees will be
sterile and produce no nuts, berries or seeds, there will be no
songbirds, squirrels or insects in these artificial forests .

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